10 maj 2022
CONCLUSION > The PH1000 is an excellent sounding phonostage in its own right giving up a dynamic and detailed presentation that is strong through all the frequencies but with a slightly pushed midband presentation that really makes vocal performances pop from the mix and into the room.On large scale recordings, there’s a real sense of drama brought to the listening room and the PH1000 adds an extra smidgen of spectacle to the listening experience. Tops are clear and sparkly and bass is defined and well proportioned.In my mind, the main thing that a phonostage should do is allow your chosen ca..
03 maj 2022
AudioQuest’s 42-year history of designing and refining analog interconnects has been a long, steady climb up a mountain, the summit of which can never be reached…For over 40 years, AudioQuest’s interconnects have been Double-Balanced (RCA) or Triple-Balanced (XLR) to prevent the shield from being used as an inferior ground-reference conductor.With their two- and three-cable configurations, the Mythical Series Interconnects make the multiple discrete signal and ground-reference paths externally visible for the first time — but that is not new technology. We did it because the more complicated a..
26 apr. 2022
Treble octaves were smooth and non-fatiguing. Transient behavior was natural, rather than overly etched and prickly. Brass ensembles fared well with sharp assertive attacks that were not overly metallic and with a nice trailing openness on decays. The spark and intensity of aggressively bowed violins were revealed, but never to the point of upstaging the resonant wooden bodies of the instruments. Imaging was unclouded, and localization of players could be observed seemingly at a glance, as if you were actually seated comfortably in the audience about mid-hall.VERDICTIn today’s high-end amplifi..
19 apr. 2022
Copland’s new CSA70 is a solid-state amplifier delivering a claimed 70W per channel into 8 ohms and 130W into 4 ohms. It sports three unbalanced analogue line inputs, MM phono stage, coaxial, optical, and USB digital inputs via a built-in DAC, plus a headphone socket. Unlike the company’s other integrated amps, the entry-level CSA70 is not a tube/transistor hybrid. If you want a valve line stage, you’ll need to look at the pricier 100W CSA100 or 150W CSA150 models.THE VERDICTCopland’s new CSA70 came as something of a nice surprise to me. It’s an ‘entry level high end’ product from a highly reg..
12 apr. 2022
Vse, kar potrebujeteKar zadeva priključke, je ta ojačevalnik zelo dobro zasnovan in praktično opremljen, kar zadostuje potrebam večine ljubiteljev glasbe. Na zadnji plošči so na voljo dva niza linijskih (RCA) analognih vhodov ter digitalni priključki, vključno z optičnim (TOSLINK), koaksialnim (S/PDIF) in USB (Type B). Slednje obdeluje AKM-jev 32-bitni DAC čip, pri čemer USB vhod podpira PCM signale do 384 kHz in nativni DSD256 za PC ter DSD128 za Mac. Na sprednji plošči ojačevalnika sta še 3,5-mm pomožni priključek za hitro povezovanje analognih virov in 6,35-mm izhod za slušalke, ki bo poskr..
05 apr. 2022
CSA 70 je senzacionalni ojačevalec; uravnotežen s celovito specifikacijo in odlično izdelavo ter izjemno zmogljivostjo v vseh svojih funkcijah. Copland je zgradil mojstrovino.Ocena 10 od 10ZaključekPojdimo naravnost k stvari. Obstaja veliko odličnih ojačevalnikov, ki smo si jih ogledali v cenovnem razredu, kjer se postavlja CSA 70, in nekateri od njih delajo bolj obsežne in izjemne stvari glede specifikacij kot ta subtilni, skoraj neopazen Danc. Vendar noben od njih ne uravnoteži funkcionalnosti, izdelave in zmogljivosti na način, kot to počne ta. Copland je morda najbolj brezhibno sposobna na..