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Aljoša Praznik
Aljoša Praznik
5 months ago
Intek is one of the few stores that I visited that offers such great customer service. When I first visited the store a few years ago I thought that I knew something about Hi-Fi but Darko and Zvone completely changed my perspective and suggested an incredible stereo system for my home that was delivered as expected. They raised my experience of listening to music to a whole new level, to a level I never thought can be achieved at home. Intek offers a personal approach, they spent hours with me discussing my needs, they want to know their customer and offer them what they need. Darko and Zvone are a knowledge base and I could listen to them for hours, you can feel they are living their profession and that they have an unwavering passion for their profession. I would recommend Intek to everybody who would like to experience a concert atmosphere at home. Keep up the good work!
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Petar Tanaskovic
Petar Tanaskovic
5 months ago
Prvo me iznenadilo da netko od 95 ocjena ima čistu 5, ali nakon nekoliko mailova, nakon kojih me Darko i nazvao , pa smo u večernjim satima i pročavrljali kojih pola sata, sve me manje čudilo da imaju takve ocjene. Nakon dopisivanja su mi za pojačalo prezentirali nekoliko zvučnika koje me zanimalo uz svu pomoć pri odabiru. Sa Zvonetom se kliknete istog trena, nije mu teško prespajati zvučnike samo da Vam pokaže mogućnosti...i zaista im dobar sound kola venama.
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matic pacek
matic pacek
7 months ago
Zelo, zelo, zelo priporočam! V podjetju sem bil zares deležen čisto individualne obravnave glede na moje želje in pričakovanja. Imam veliko srečo, da sem ju odkril ob začetku mojega vstopa v Hi-Fi svet, saj verjamem, da bomo vedno skupaj našli prave poti za najboljše možne odločitve. 🙂
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8 months ago
tehtni Darkov nasvet pri izbiri kablov za zvočnike je vreden vsega srebra na bakrenih bananah (pa je šla parafraza "zlata vreden" v franže)! Beta " bistrc" dodobra poživi zvočno sliko. Muska teče bolj gladko, vokali so bližje, bolj spredaj, bas bolj jasen in močnejši, prostor širši in globji, novo odkrite podrobnosti presenetijo. Pa šele dva dni špilajo, zihr se bo še kej fajnga pokazalo. Z veseljem še pridem!
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Andrej Bozic
Andrej Bozic
8 months ago
Darko and Zvone are the best partners of yours if you are an audiophile. Depends on the budget you decided for , they find you the best option, you can improve the sound following their advice , often you can test some gadgets if they make any difference before buying.If you are satisfied with the sound coming from phone or cheap blue tooth speakers, do not go there.They sell components they have tested and represent suppliers they believe in them. Andrej
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Samo Rozman
Samo Rozman
9 months ago
Odlični strokovnjaki, profesionalen in prijazen pristop, izdelki najvišjega kakovostnega razreda. Močno priporočam.
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