If music really matters.
Electrocompaniet has a legacy of 50 years in the industry, producing world class HiFi products. Or rather, ”Fine audio instruments”, as we like to call them. They are recognized by discerning audiophiles, enthusiasts, industry professionals and some of the world´s major recording studios and have been so for over four decades. That is a legacy we are extremely proud of.The incredible Electrocompaniet success story that began over forty years ago with our 25W amplifier, widely hailed as being the very best in the world has grown into Electrocompaniet of today, the leading Norwegian manufacturer of high quality audio equipment. Our products have been designed to bring you the most rewarding musical experience possible in your own home. All our world-class CD-players, streamers, LP players, amplifiers and speakers are designed and manufactured in our state of the art facilities here in Norway and then exported to more than fifty countries throughout the world.
The incredible Electrocompaniet success story that began over forty years ago with our 25W amplifier, widely hailed as being the very best in the world has grown into Electrocompaniet of today, the leading Norwegian manufacturer of high quality audio equipment.1973 > Dr. Matti Otala presented a paper describing a distortion that he termed Transient Intermodulation (TIM), which resulted in The 2 Channel Audio Amplifier.
1981 > PRE I a MC Preamplifier launched
1987 > AW 250 Power amplifier launched
1994 > AW 180 M Mono ampliwire launched
1999 > AW 600 Nemo Monaural amplifier launched
2000 > ECI 3 Integrated amplifier launched
Link to offical manufacturer website: ELECTROCOMPANIET